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Showing 8 results for malekshahi

Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2014)

Aim: Recently, prevention of osteoporosis has become the goal of many health professionals. Behavior change is one of the most powerful strategies for osteoporosis prevention. This study aimed to determine calcium intake in order to identify osteoporosis preventive behavior in women aged 30-50 years in Khorramabad city, Iran. Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study included 269 women aged 30-50 years who were selected from all the health centers of Khorramabad city according to the inclusion criteria of the study and by cluster and systematic sampling. The tools for data collection were valid and reliable questionnaires of demographic information, stages of change, decisional balance, self-efficacy, and calcium intake. Chi-square test and logistic regression were applied to analyze the data. Findings: The mean age of the subjects was 38.72±7.003, and the mean total calcium weekly intake was 3191.03±3869.24. The results also showed that self-efficacy among the constructs of the Trans-theoretical Model (TTM) was a significant predictive of dietary calcium intake for the behavior. Conclusion: The results showed that the weekly intake calcium in women was low. Self-efficacy among the constructs of the TTM was the only significant predictive for osteoporosis prevention behavior. Therefore, the findings of this study can be considered when designing educational interventions for prevention of osteoporosis by health authorities.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2014)

Due to Limited resources and unlimited human demands, it is important for marketers to use resources efficiently and thoroughly to achieve the organizational goals. In this regard, green marketing assists marketers as a marketing strategy, and support environment and customers’ expectations with observable benefits. Automotive industry is one of the reflection of economic and industrial development, and as an extensive process, performs important role in rotating the wheels of economy. The aim of this study is to identify and examine the effective factors on green marketing in automotive industry of Iran. The statistical population is formed of two groups. The first group consisted 8 experts in green marketing and chose for identifying effective factors. The second group consisted experts in automotive industry to evaluate performance and extract indices weights. For collecting data, questionnaire of identification effective factors and performance evaluation used. Confirmatory factor analysis, Topsis and GRY decision making techniques employed to investigate the questions of the study. For presentation of clear and practical results, confirmed factors are placed in Importance-Performance Matrix, and separated to 4 parties. The most important factors are those that situated in second quarter which automotive industry must focus on, and improves its performance in those factors.  

Volume 4, Issue 4 (Fall 2022)

The political organization of any country is done in the form of civil divisions. Civil divisions of the country are a process in which the land is limited by borders and every government needs political division of space to better manage the land and facilitate services, create development and create a spatial justice in the country. Spatial justice through the mechanism of spatial organization or spatial planning leads to the balanced development of place and geographical space and provides citizens with satisfaction and trust in the management structure and the relevant political system, thus preventing the formation of mentality of being secondary citizenship among people. In this research, which is of a fundamental type, the required information is collected using the library method, and then this issue will be investigated using a descriptive-analytic method. The research question is that: “what relation do exist between the political organization of space and spatial justice?” The findings show that the main principles and criteria of political organization of space can be categorized into issues such as increasing the sense of satisfaction, ease of access to services and creating equal opportunities for citizens and regions. Since spatial justice as an output seeks the relative equality of power, opportunity and wealth in order to gain maximum benefits commensurate with the capacity to enhance the dignity of citizens, and also the principles and approaches of political organization of space and spatial justice show this issue, it can be claimed that interactive relation is between political organization of space and spatial justice.

Volume 9, Issue 4 (Fall 2023)

Aims: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the viral load of active human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection in the plasma samples of people suspected of kidney transplant rejection and to investigate the host and risk factors related to the activation of HCMV in these patients.
Materials & Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted between December 2022 and June 2023. In this study, 98 blood samples related to patients suspected of kidney transplant rejection referring to Labbafinezhad hospital in Tehran were collected. The samples were tested by the GeneProof Cytomegalovirus (CMV) PCR Kit to determine HCMV viral load. ROC curve analysis was used to determine the viral load cutoff point.
Findings: HCMV viremia was detected in 18 (18.36%) of 98 transplant recipients. The median viral load in the HCMV viremia group was 24914.0 IU/ml (5147.0-155106.5). The optimal cut-off value for HCMV was determined 778 IU/ml using ROC analysis. Duration of time after transplantation in the viremia and no viremia groups was 120.5 and 46 months, respectively with a statistically significant difference (P=0.014).
Conclusion: This study provides valuable insights into the prevalence of HCMV viremia and its associated risk factors in kidney transplant recipients suspected of rejection. The study also highlights the importance of post-transplant monitoring and preventive measures to address viral infections. Quick and timely diagnosis of viral activation in kidney transplant patients is effective and mandatory for patient management and the use of appropriate preventive and therapeutic strategies that lead to the reduction of nephropathy, transplant rejection and other diseases. Long-term studies with larger sample sizes are needed to evaluate the role of factors influencing the occurrence of viremia after transplantation.

Volume 23, Issue 4 (Fall 2020)

Aims: Human herpes virus 6 (HHV-6) is a ubiquitous virus with a high rate of prevalence worldwide. In recent years, a new form of the virus genome has been identified called Chromosomally integrated HHV-6 (ciHHV-6). Further studies are required to elucidate the relation between ciHHV-6 and other clinical complications. The purpose of this study was to summarize the literature on different clinical aspects of the ciHHV-6 integration and its prevalevce in different communities.
Materials and methods: Search keywords include HHV-6, integrated genome, telomeric regions and integrated HHV-6. Scientific databases such as scopus, PubMed and google scholar with no specified start date were used for information collection.
Findings: About 1% of global populations are infected with ciHHV-6. Real-time PCR can be used to differentiate between ciHHV-6 and HHV-6 acute infection in which the viral load will be higher in ciHHV-6 compared to the acute infection. However, ciHHV-6 can be confirmed by evidence of one copy of viral DNA in hair or nail follicles. It has been shown that ciHHV-6 may disrupt the telomer stability.
Conclutions: To date, no treatment has been discovered to remove the viral genome from the host cells. Taken together, the integrated form of the HHV-6 genome could be linked to the various diseases, including heart and autoimmune diseases. But further studies are needed to find its association with other diseases in different geographic area.

Volume 24, Issue 1 (Spring 2021)

Respiratory influenza infection is one of the leading causes of global morbidity and mortality, affecting approximately 10% -20% of the  world’s population annually.  According to recent estimates, about 398,000 deaths per year are associated with influenza respiratory infections  with a mortality rate of 2% among viral respiratory infections. During the seasonal and pandemic influenza outbreaks, it has been found that pregnant women are more likely to have severe influenza-related complications, compared to the general population. During pregnancy, immunological and physiological changes that affect the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, and other systems put  women at greater risk for certain infections and related complications. In this review study, we first briefly discuss the characteristics of influenza virus infection and its epidemiology, and then discuss the clinical aspects of influenza virus infection in pregnant women and fetuses.

Volume 25, Issue 4 (Winter 2021)

Extended abstract
Tourism has significant implications for sustainability. Tourism can make full use of tourism resources in different regions to adjust and optimize industrial structures, expand the agricultural industrial chain, develop tourism services, promote non-agricultural employment, increase farmers' incomes and create a better economic base for construction. Thus, tourism has become a strong pillar for sustainable development in developed and emerging countries. Coastal cities can play an effective role in the development of these areas, and consequently, in the development and growth of the national economy by proper and appropriate planning and identification of capabilities in coastal tourism. Given the unemployment that exists among the various strata of these cities and the main features of job creation in tourism, which includes a wide range of forces, both in terms of education, is an issue that along with effects in this industry, cannot be ignored. Because, tourism as an intelligent and humane element and as important inputs of an urban system can have positive effects in spatial-spatial dimensions and pave the way for sustainable urban development for the studied cities. On the other hand, the lack of careful planning by city managers in the field of tourism to achieve sustainable development in these coastal cities will create problems for both tourists and current and future citizens. Considering that the coastal cities under study are among the tourist cities of the province and the country, and also have the ability to achieve sustainable tourism development, the study of the role that tourism can play in these cities in the field of sustainable development is a significant issue.
This research is an applied research in terms of nature, and in terms of data analysis method, it is a descriptive-correlational and causal-relationship that has been evaluated using field and survey methods and a questionnaire. The statistical population of the group of experts including professors and experts and the sample size was determined based on the available method of 20 people. The research tool of the questionnaire and its validity has been done formally by a group of experts who have studied in this field so far and its reliability with Cronbach's alpha test and coefficient of 0.890 indicates the acceptable reliability of the questionnaire for research. Pls software has been used to analyze the data.
Results and discussion
According to the designed model, institutional-managerial indicators have an impact on economic, social-cultural, physical and environmental indicators, and economic indicators have a direct impact on the environment and socio-cultural and physical indicators on the environment. These relationships have been examined internally and indirectly on the main variable, namely sustainable development. Finally, all five indicators studied in the study were directly evaluated on sustainable development, which showed that the managerial-institutional index with a path coefficient of 0.803 plays the most important role in sustainable development. Then the economic index with a coefficient of 0.776 and socio-cultural index with a coefficient of 0.734 and physical and environmental indicators each with coefficients of 0.665 and 0.514, respectively, have the greatest impact on achieving sustainable tourism development. They will have a beach. It should be noted that all relationships and path coefficients, both endogenously and exogenously, have positive and directional effects and the intensity of relationships are evaluated as very high and significant. These indicators are good predictors for the sustainable development of coastal tourism. Due to environmental issues and problems due to the arrival of tourists and the resulting pollution, the environmental behavior of citizens is almost necessary.
According to these results, the main duties of the government are to support and develop maritime activities at the technological, environmental and social levels to meet the needs of the tourist community, make full use of the region's coastal potential and diverse water resources and their basic infrastructure, as well as the establishment of maritime and river transport networks and tourism in many areas. However, tourism and economic potential have not been fully utilized. After the managerial-institutional variable, the economic index and the socio-cultural index have the highest score in the role of coastal tourism on sustainable development. After that, the impact of the physical index and finally the environmental index is in the last rank in terms of impact on sustainable development. According to the analysis of the indicators of this study, it can be said that tourism is the main engine of development for this region and accelerates its sustainable development because, economically, it has a positive effect on income growth, job opportunities and job creation. Gross income and production will increase the motivation of investors to invest in the region. Socially, it causes interaction between residents and tourism, preserving the customs and culture of the region, getting acquainted with other cultures, increasing the presence of women in society, and so on. Physically, it will provide the development of infrastructure, the development of accommodation and catering facilities, the beautification of the environment, the inclusion of recreational and beach uses in plans and planning, and so on. But from the environmental point of view, it causes adverse effects on the cleanliness and cleanliness of the beaches, a negative role on the waste disposal system and increasing pollution and destruction of ecosystems, reducing animal species and changing land uses, and reducing agricultural lands, etc. This will harm the environment of the beaches.
Keywords: Coastal tourism, Sustainable development, Royan, Babolsar and Noor coastal cities.

Volume 26, Issue 3 (Summer 2023)

Kidney transplantation is one of the best treatment methods for people with chronic kidney failure, and a large number of kidney transplants are performed worldwide every year. Pathogens that commonly infect kidney transplant recipients are viruses, bacteria, and protozoa. Among these, viruses are considered one of the biggest life-threatening factors in kidney transplant recipients. The reactivation of herpesviruses from the latent state often occurs in conditions of weakening the immune system, including after kidney transplantation. Infection with herpesviruses is still one of the main causes of complications and death for most kidney transplant recipients. Rapid diagnosis of active infection of these viruses in kidney transplant patients has a significant impact on the use of appropriate treatment strategies to reduce complications and transplant rejection.  For this reason, this review aims to provide information about the preventive strategies, diagnosis, and treatment of herpesviruses infections in kidney transplant recipients. In this brief review, we have updated the information presented in previous articles and adjusted it based on recent advances, updated clinical guidelines, and common post-transplant tactics to minimize the risk of infection.

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