1. The article should include abstract (maximum 8-12 lines and up to 300 words), keywords (maximum 3 to 7 words), introduction, discussion and conclusion.
The Journal does not accept long articles (more than twenty A4 pages). The calligraphy of the magazine is based on the Persian Language and Literature Academy (last edition).
2. The details of the author or authors (name and surname, academic rank, university name, address, telephone) should be mentioned on a separate page.
3. It is nessessary to send two copies of the article, Word program (28 lines, with 13 font by Lotus) along with CD. Received articles will not be returned.
4. It is nessessary to submit an English abstract (maximum 8-12 lines), on a separate page, including the title of the article, the name of the author/authors, the institution and their academic rank.
5. The sources used in the text, at the end of the article and based on the alphabetical order of the family name, the name of the author (authors) should be given as follows:
Book: surname, name. (Date of Release). Namkatab (italic and black letters, font number 11). Name and surname of the translator. Cover, time to print. Place of publication: Publisher.
Article published in the journal: surname, name. (year of publication). "Title". The name of the journal (italics and black, font number 11). Period (issue number), page number.
Translated article in the journal: last name, name. (year of publication). "Title". Name and surname of the translator. Name of the journal (italics and black letters, font number 11). Course (issue number). Number of pages.
Internet sites: surname, first name. (year of publication of the article). "Title". The name of the electronic journal (in italic and black letters, font number 11). the period. The date of visiting the site.
6. References in the text of the article should be written in parentheses (last name, year: page number/pages). In the case of non-Persian sources, do the same as the Persian sources and put the Latin equivalent of the words at the end of the article. Direct quotations of more than forty words should be inserted separately from the text with an indentation (half a centimeter) from the right side (with font number 12).
7. The names of the books should be written in black and italics (font number 11) and the names of "articles, poems and short stories" should be placed in quotation marks.
8. The acceptance of the article is subject to the approval of the authors' council. The article should not have been published in any domestic or foreign magazine or in the collection of conference articles. Author/ If the article has been published or accepted elsewhere, the subject should be informed
9. The Journal only accepts articles that are in Persian language, in the field of literary theory and criticism, and are the result of the research of the author/authors.
10. The Journal is free to edit the article without changing its content. We do not accept articles that do not follow the editorial guidelines of the quarterly magazine.
11. Authors can send their articles to the journal's office address or e-mail