Volume 13, Issue 2 (2023)                   Naqshejahan 2023, 13(2): 85-103 | Back to browse issues page

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Rezadoost Dezfuli R, Taban M, Bazazzadeh H. Investigating of ventilation in apartments in a hot and semi-humid climate. Naqshejahan 2023; 13 (2) : 5
URL: http://bsnt.modares.ac.ir/article-2-67755-en.html
1- Master of Architectural engineering, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Jundi-Shapur University of Technology, Dezful, Iran
2- Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Jundi-Shapur University of Technology, Dezful, Iran , Mntaban@jsu.ac.ir
3- Researcher, Faculty of Architecture, Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland
Abstract:   (2899 Views)
Aims: Today, the energy crisis has become a global problem, and all countries are involved in this crisis, so solutions with small results can lead to significant changes on a macro scale. Passive cooling strategies are a method to reduce energy consumption in buildings and help improve and promote energy management in hot climates.

Methods: The current study analysis ventilation performance related to constructing four-story buildings. Furthermore, there is a heavy investigation into the mechanical aspects of ventilation; hence this research is going to fill the gap in the architectural view of the ventilation system. The modeling uses energy software (Design-Builder).

Findings: Studies have been conducted to investigate the position of the stack, and the earth's rotation, in addition to changes in the materials of the stack in the residential area of Dezful city. The most frequent residential land size in the residential area of Dezful is 10x20 square meters. In addition, changing materials has a direct impact on stack ventilation.

Conclusion: The simulation outcomes demonstrated that material and site rotation changes could alter the stack's performance, meaning that glass can be more effective than aluminum. Still, the position of the stack in the plan does not make a significant difference in the stack's performance. The result is outstanding for architects and all people working in this field, which can be a guideline in designing energy-efficient.
Article number: 5
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Highperformance Architecture
Received: 2023/02/25 | Accepted: 2023/06/7 | Published: 2023/06/22

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