Volume 13, Issue 2 (2022)                   LRR 2022, 13(2): 497-528 | Back to browse issues page

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Abdoli Yarabad B, Alizadeh A, Rezai V. Argument (Direct Object) Left Dislocation in Persian; An Optimality Theory study. LRR 2022; 13 (2) :497-528
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-46339-en.html
1- PhD Candidate in Linguistics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
2- Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran , alalizadeh@um.ac.ir
3- Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
Abstract:   (2874 Views)
Researchers have variously investigated Persian in generative, functional, and cognitive frameworks, although, failed to account for some structural changes and the emergence of marked structures such as Left dislocation. The main goal of this article is to investigate left dislocation based on Optimality Theory. The present research is based on the descriptive-analytical method, and our corpus will include spoken Persian. The present paper aims to show that some constraints can be applied to form left dislocation in Persian, while ranking of the constraints represents the optimal form/forms. The constriants are based on constructional uints of Featurs and Conceptual Units which are properties of grammatical categories such as argument, or discourse-functioal ones, such as topic. The results show that applying the constraints of precedence, adjacency, and faithfulness on one side, and more features or conceptual units on the other side, the applied theory can further result in appropriate analysis of Persian cases. In other words, Syntax First Alignment has proved to be a promising framework for modeling Persian Left dislocation and can offer an alternative for syntactic frameworks based on hierarchical structure. The results, also, indicates that the features of [NEW], [ABOUT], and [CONTRAST] have key roles in Persisn Argument Left Dislocation. In addition, violating the constraints of Subject and Topic brings about unoptimality.

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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Linguistics
Published: 2022/05/31

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