Volume 12, Issue 4 (2021)                   LRR 2021, 12(4): 265-304 | Back to browse issues page

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Mohammadzadeh M, Babak Moein M. Discursive Semiotigue of Iranian Tattoos Diachronic. LRR 2021; 12 (4) :265-304
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-45278-en.html
1- PhD. Candidate of Visual Arts Group, Islamic Azad University, Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
2- Associate Professor of French Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran , bajo_555@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (4850 Views)
Considering the analysis of phenomenological discourse from the semiotic perspective, the tattoo semiotic system focuses on linguistic reproduction. Discourse reveals some aspects of sensory perception to the subject. Proper body is a path to the sensory perception of the lost dimensions of meaning and the lived experience of phenomena. The purpose of this study is to investigate the process of sensory perception of phenomenological tattoo in the framework of semiotics of discourse. Throughout the research process and with the development of Merleau-Ponty and Landowski theory, the authors  study the written tattoo with the semiotic approach of  Paris school of semiotics by dealing with the process of discovering, producing and receiving meaning. In the present study, the findings showed that  the phenomenological tattoo leads the semiotic system of language towards the discovery of the lived experience of presence and reveals the hidden layers of meaning and conceal the obvious meanings. This is a feature of meta-discourse that manifests itself within discourse in order to achieve power and immortality, and leads to transcendence of  semiotic system of discourse.

1. Introduction
Linguistic signs that are purposefully imprinted on the body by painting, tattooing or bruising are considered to be tattoo in this article. What is clear is that the tattoos are painted on human bodies for ideological, cultural, social, epic, mystical, ritual and aesthetic functions. The presence of Tattoos in Iranian folk culture with various functions indicates its importance in the manifestation of the language system. The subject, in an Ethos relationship due to the presence of the tattoo object, mutates beyond an aesthetic discourse into meta-discourse and seeks a direct interaction with the existence of presence. Merleau-Ponty believes that the world contains meanings in relation to the body-subject. According to him, sensory perception is a kind of absorption and fascination in the world. The actant subjects are separated from the system of continuity in the spark of the moment, and thus meaning is reproduced and perceived at the level of discourse deep structure. The subject faces a fundamental challenge and problem within himself for essence and the way of survival and to express power in life; and by imprinting a mental idea on his body, it crystallizes the flow of linguistic fluid, the result of which is the metamorphosis of the stative subject from within.
2. Literature Review
The main issue of this research is to read the semantic system of a corps propre beyond a definite linguistic text as a phenomenal text, based on the study of semiotigue with a phenomenological perspective. The main question in this research refers to the way of the subject's sensory perception in the interactive process of the subject and the tattoo object, and examines the phenomenal text based on Landowski's discursive semantic systems. The discourse analysis of the semantic system in this study is based on the sensory perceptual principle. The theoretical foundations of this interdisciplinary research are the combination of Merleau-Ponty phenomenology with the semiotigue of the Paris school. The study of the corpus in this research is descriptive-analytical and the method of data analysis is qualitative. The present study is grounded on the Landowski's accident and adjustment discourses based on the sensory perceptual principle.
3. Methodology
Semiotigue is a discourse-oriented approach that concentrates on the process of producing, receiving and perceiving meaning and reads it in a dynamic and fluid communication of enunciation. In soft semiotigue, which was initially formed from the idea of Greimas's imperfection of signification, subjects attempt to create language with a poststructuralist view in order to achieve imperfection of signification, and avoid repeating definite linguistic implications. In reading Eastern literary and visual texts with soft semiotigue, one can reflect on the process of discovering and intuition of subjects within the narrative; and with the passage of linear time at language deep structure in a pure and attractive form due to the moment of spark, one can perceive deep abstract concepts derived from religion that are beyond the reach of subjects at the level of semantic surface structure.
In the analysis of tattoos from the perspective of Landowski's semantic systems, we have reached the approach that the semantic function of tattoos is not always definite and due to the occurrence of meaning, there is a possibility of the presence of a corps propre. Phenomenological tattoo leads the semantic system of language towards the discovery of the lived experience of presence.
The discourse of rebellion transforms the actant subject into an anti-actant one, and in adaptive interaction with the pseudo-subject imprinted on his body, intensifies the risk of discourse. Discourse transforms the rebellion of the active subject into a subconscious and, in adaptive interaction with the pseudo-subject imprinted on itself, intensifies the risk of discourse. In these works, the phenomenal text reveals the underlying and hidden layers of meaning and conceals the obvious and definite meanings. This is a prominent feature of meta-discourse that manifests itself within discourse in order to achieve the value of power, becoming a hero, and survival, and transcend the semantic system of discourse. This phenomenal space is no longer definite, argumentative, and cognitive, and brings the subject into an existential discourse.
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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Discourse Analysis
Published: 2021/05/31

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