Abbasi Z, Yaghoubinejad H, Kelari F. Examining Individual Differences in Persian Learners as Second Language in Different Levels: Willingness to Communicate, Social Intelligence, and Motivation. LRR 2021; 12 (4) :755-811
1- Assistant Professor, Faculty Member, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University ,
2- Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, Kosar university of Bojnord, Bojnord, Iran
3- M.A of Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (3934 Views)
The present research aims to enhance our understanding of the relationship among factors related to individual differences in language learning, particularly the constructs of Willingness to communicate, Social intelligence, and Motivation. Gender and language proficiency level were also investigated. In order to answer the research questions and examine their relevant hypotheses, 168 adult Persian language learners in different language levels from various universities (79 females and 89 males) completed the 44-item questionnaire. Results of statistical analyses revealed that the relationship among all three variables was completely meaningful. However, there was no significant relationship was found between WTC and females’ L2 ought-to self. The relationship among WTC and other variables, namely L2 ideal self, learning experience, overall motivation, and social intelligence, in male participants was stronger than their female peers, while the other way round was witnessed concerning the relationship between social intelligence and motivation. Data analysis based on language proficiency level showed that in beginners the relationship among WTC and learning experience, L2 ideal self, and overall motivation and that of social intelligence and motivation was stronger than other levels. In intermediate level, as WTC increased, L2 ought- to self decreased significantly. Moreover, among all levels, the strongest amount of relationship was reported between WTC and social intelligence in intermediate level.
1. Introduction
Individual differences are of vital importance in language learning and second/foreign language classes and lots of research has been carried out to examine these individual differences and different variables involved in them. In order to apply the most appropriate teaching methodologies, language educators have to have their students’ differences in mind. This study aims to explore the relationship and possible interaction among motivation, social intelligence and WTC of adult Persian learners in different levels regarding their gender.
In order to investigate this issue in more detail the following research question is addressed:
RQ1: Is there any relationship among WTC, overall motivation (including components of L2 ideal self, L2 ought-to self, and L2 learning experience) and social intelligence in adult Persian learners in different levels? And, is there any gender differences in this regard?
To answer this research question three research hypotheses have been proposed:
RH1: There is a significant relationship among WTC, motivational components and the overall motivation of Persian learners in different levels and this relationship is stronger in females and beginners.
RH2: There is a significant relationship between WTC and social intelligence and this relationship is stronger in females and beginners.
RH3: There is a significant relationship between motivation and social intelligence and this relationship is stronger in males and beginners.
2. Literature Review
Second language research is replete with evidences suggesting that language learning is primarily learner centered (Brown, 2007). In past two decades there has been more emphasis on the role of learners in language teaching and research and their individual differences have been an issue of serious concern among L2 researchers (Dornyei & Skehan, 2003, p. 603). There are so many variables related to learners which facilitate language learning process (Dornyei, 2005). WTC is a personal component that arrested researchers’ attention from both dynamic and static viewpoints. In fact, WTC is a key concept in L2 teaching and learning and refers to the language learner’s willingness to either remain silent or employ second language (MacIntyre & Charos, 1996; Wen & Clement, 2003). Among different variables effective in the extent of WTC, we can point out the learner’s motivation to learn an L2. Motivation is a force which can guide you towards the actions and solutions and is an inclination to perform a particular action or reach a specific aim. It is also concerned with the acts which gives the behavior force and direction. Motivation is a latent variable in language learning which is composed of the willingness to learn a language, the motivational intensity and attitude to learning (Gardner and Tremblay, 1994, cited in Sheikholeslami and Khayyer, 2006). Dornyei (2009) has proposed a new framework for L2 motivation, namely L2 motivational self system (L2MSS) in order to solve the problems inherent in previous theories and suggest a regular structure for L2 motivation. This new model consists of three components: L2 ideal self, L2 ought-to self and L2 learning experience. L2 ideal self is concerned with unique dimensions of a person’s ideal self which show his aspirations, hopes and desires. L2 ought-to self is related to those features a person has to possess to avoid the possible negative consequences such as requirements, obligations and expectations. L2 learning experience deals with the contextual motivation which is necessary for the learning environment. Another factor involved in language learners’ individual differences is social intelligence. This construct is defined as the person's understanding to behave better in human relations. In the case the learners is able to first distinguish these features and then control and guide his emotions and excitement, he will be able to can remove the debilitative impediments to his performance. Through assessing the language learner’s social intelligence we can predict his potential success in personal and social life (Heidar Kaydan & Azari, 2007).
3. Methodology
This research was applied and field study in terms of purpose and methodology, respectively. In order to analyze the data, the findings were first examined and then the inferential statistics of the research hypotheses were tested using SPSS version 26.The data were gathered through a six-point likert scale questionnaire. This 44-item questionnaire consisted of three parts. The 18-item part examining motivational components (selves) was designed by Taguchi et al. (2009) and explored participants' motivational tendencies. The part on WTC (taken from the Compressrat Wang’s Questionnaire (2010) was composed of 13 items and the part on social intelligence was comprised of 13 items taken from a section of Bradbury-Graves’s (2005) questionnaire. The Cronbach's alpha calculated to determine the validity of 3 questionnaires of motivational components, WTC and social intelligence was .8, .87 and .87, respectively, which indicated the internal consistency of the questionnaire items. The validity of the study was also confirmed by 15 experts in the field.
A total number of 168 adult Persian learners with different proficiency levels (79 females and 89 males) from Tarbiat Moddares University, Imam Khomeini University of Ghazvin and Jameat Al-Mustaf University of Qom participated in this study. The proficiency level of these participants was first tested and then they were assigned to different groups based on their scores on the test.
4. Conclusion
Based on the findings of the present study the results extracted from the examination of the first research hypothesis can be summarized as what follows: the relationship among WTC and three variables of L2 ideal self, L2 learning experience and overall motivation was positive and significant while negative between WTC and L2 ought-to self. There was also a positive and significant relationship among WTC, L2 ideal self, L2 learning experience and overall motivation of male and female Persian learners; whereas this relationship was stronger among male participants. Moreover, while there was no significant relation between females’ WTC and L2 ought-to self, a negative and significant relation was found between these variables of male participants. WTC, L2 ideal self and overall motivation had a positive and significant relation in only beginner and intermediate levels, though no such relation was found among these variables in other levels. The results and findings concerning the second research hypothesis showed a positive and significant relation between WTC and social intelligence, while this relation was stronger among male learners. Along the same line, a positive and significant relation was reported between WTC and social intelligence in all proficiency levels, while this relation was the strongest in intermediate level. Based on the findings of this study the results drawn from the examination of the third research hypothesis can be summarized as following: A positive and significant relation was found between overall motivation and social intelligence. The same relation was reported between these variables among male and female Persian learners; however, this relation was stronger among female participants. Finally, there was a positive and significant relation between overall motivation and social intelligence in only beginner level, whereas there was not such a relation in other proficiency levels.
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مقالات علمی پژوهشی |
language teaching Published: 2021/09/2