Volume 12, Issue 4 (2021)                   LRR 2021, 12(4): 1-32 | Back to browse issues page

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saghafi E, Afrashi A, Assi M, Farzad A. Diachronic changes of conceptual metaphors of Bravery in Persian: A cognitive and corpus based approach. LRR 2021; 12 (4) :1-32
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-41355-en.html
1- PhD Candidate in General Linguistics, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
2- Associate Professor of Linguistics, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran , a.afrashi.ling@gmail.com
3- Professor of Linguistics, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran
4- Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (5045 Views)
This paper analyzes the stability or changes of the Persian Language Speakers' views towards Bravery, as one of the concepts of the target domain of Morality from Kövecses's (1393: 43) point of view. The main question of this study is weather the concept of Bravery has changed from 8th to 10th  lunar century compaired to the contemporary period. Moreover we aim to find a pattern to represent these changes. To achieve this goal, the authors studied the conceptual change or stability, through comparing the conceptual metaphors of Bravery. The results of this study show changes in some cultural components of this concept in Persian language speaker's society. It should be noted that the comparison of historical and contemporary evidences show that the general source domain of objects in both cases have been remained unchanging but the special source domains of objects have changed. The high frequency source domains of conceptualizing Bravery in Persian language are as follows: Power, Path, War, Material. The theoretical framework of the present research is the theory of conceptual metaphors proposed by Lakoff and Johnson (1980) and the Trim's pattern for the conceptual networking of metaphors (2007).

The speeches of a generation are never exactly the same as their fathers or even their children. Although the speech differnces between successive generations may be insignificant and not much attention be paid to it, at intervals of several hundred years or more, the changes will be revealed. Arlotto suggests that variations can be considered as the equipments for historical linguistic discussions. Lakoff and Johnson believe that when a new metaphor is added to a language, it changes the conceptual system of the language as well as the way of understanding and the relative reactions of the people. Moreover they believe that language is constantly changing and adapting itself to the new conditions of the language community as people accept the new metaphorical concepts and lose the old ones. Their example to prove their claim is the changes in the cultures around the world due to the eminence of this metaphor: TIME IS MONEY.
Accordingly, we are going to vrify common conceptual metaphors of Bravery in Persian Language to achieve  the stability or changes of the Persian Language Speakers' views towards Bravery, as one of the concepts of the target domain of Morality from Kövecses's (1393: 43) point of view. The main question of this study is weather the concept of Bravery has changed from 8th to 10th  lunar century compaired to the contemporary period. Moreover we aim to find a pattern to represent these changes. To achieve this goal, the authors studied the conceptual change or stability, through comparing the conceptual metaphors of Bravery.
The main hypothesis of this research is as follows: The comparison of the metaphorical mappings of Bravery between the extracted metaphors from the historical and contemporary corpus of the Persian Linguistic Database shows that the source domain of conceptualizing Bravery has changed over time in Persian Language. In order to verify the hypothesis, the authors have used a descriptive deductive method applying the corpus based analysis method  proposed by Anatol Stefanovich.
The results of this study show changes in some cultural components of this concept in Persian language speaker's society. It should be noted that the comparison of historical and contemporary evidences show that the general source domain of objects in both cases have been remained unchanging but the special source domains of objects have changed. The high frequency source domains of conceptualizing Bravery in Persian language are as follows: Power, Path, War, Material. The theoretical framework of the present research is the theory of conceptual metaphors proposed by Lakoff and Johnson (1980) and the Trim's pattern for the conceptual networking of metaphors (2007).
Verifying the conceptual metaphors of Bravery as the active and inactive mappings in time intervals and its presentation through a diachronic network of metaphorical changes can be considered as the innovation of this research
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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Adaptive linguistics
Published: 2021/10/2

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