Volume 3, Issue 5 (2016)                   QHTS 2016, 3(5): 123-155 | Back to browse issues page

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Ami Motlaq A H. Hafs's recitation in the traditional Persian translation of the holy Quran. QHTS 2016; 3 (5) :123-155
URL: http://qhts.modares.ac.ir/article-10-6188-en.html
Abstract:   (10941 Views)
The best method to trace the recitation of Hafs from Asim in the traditional Persian translation of the holy Quran is to investigate individual recitations of Hafs. i.e. investigation of the verses that Hafs is alone in their word/words recitation. Thus, it will be specified that the mentioned translation is based on Hafs recitation or not. By inspection of the individual recitation of Hafs in the famous translation in the 4th to 10th century (Tabari, Cambridge, Taj-alTarajem, Nasafi, Rawz-alJenan, Kashf al-asrar, Jala-alazhan, Mawaheb Aliyah, Manhaj al-sadeghin, the translation of the holy Quran in the 10th centuty belongs to an unknown translator), it will be verifiable that translators which have translated the holy Quran based on the prevalent recitation of that period in their area, have not translated the holy Quran based on the Hafs recitation. Among the 163 inspected cases, 144 cases are clearly translated based on other recitations, not Hafs and just 19 cases are based on Hafs recitation that it seems also to be due to editor’s activity. Furthermore, it shows Hafs has not complied the public recitation as some of the current Quran scientists imagine.
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Received: 2016/06/1 | Accepted: 2016/08/3 | Published: 2016/09/22

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