Authors' Guide

1. Those manuscripts which are non-analytical and merely present a set of data are not accepted. Any paper should have novelty.
2. All the manuscripts are checked for plagiarism prior to the review process.
3. The articles' author (order, typing, etc.) are published as it was firstly submitted. Authors cannot change the order, number, scientific degree, corresponding author, and any other information after the submission. The corresponding author is the supervisor unless s/he indicates otherwise, or the author(s) are not a faculty member.
4. PhD candidates should consider the order of the authors for their paper extracted from their PhD dissertation: Candidate – supervisor (corresponding author) – advisor.
5. The number of authors should not be more than 4.
Author's Guidelines
1. Journal of Culture and Folk Literature only accepts manuscripts in the following areas:
a. Folk literature
b. Folk culture
c. Folk language and dialect
d. Folk arts
e. Ethnography
f. Theory and criticism of folk culture and literature
2. The manuscripts should be submitted through the following link:
3. Authors should follow Persian writing style as much as possible and use Persian words.
4. Manuscripts should be typed with word 2003/2007. The word count should not exceed 6500 without the English abstract
5. Half-spacing (use Shift+Space in Persian keyboard) is mandatory (for further info please refer to the Dictionary of Persian Writing Style)
6. Articles should not be previously submitted to/published in other journals. Authors should sign the request for publication letter. One of the authors should be introduced as a corresponding author to the chief editor.
7. Articles are accepted only if they have followed the Persian writing style. The final acceptance is due to the review board.
8. Author's name(s) should come after the title. The personal information of each should be noted in the footnote of the first page. Also, the corresponding author and the email should be indicated.
9. The acknowledgement should be written in the footnote of the first page after the author's information with minimum words possible.
10. The abstract (Persian and English) should be written between 150 to 250 words indicating the aim of the research, theoretical framework, research method, and the main findings.
11. Keywords should come after the abstract including 5 to 8 words.
12. The English equivalent of the foreign names, terms, expressions, and notes should come as an endnote.
13. The references should be ordered alphabetically without dividing the books from the articles.
14. The within-text references should follow the below guidelines:
author's last name, date of publication, page number.
Example: (Chomsky, 2000, p. 171).
If the author is a foreigner, the name should be written in Latin within the parenthesis. If the name of the author is written out of the parenthesis, it should be written in Farsi.
15. The ending references should follow the below example according to APA 7. Please write all the dates in Gregorian calendar.
Books: author's last name, author's initial. (date of publication). Title of the book. Publisher.
Example: Adam, J., & Francois, Z. (2005). Analyzing stories (translated into Farsi by Azin Hosseinzadeh and Katayoun Shahparrad). Ghatreh.
Note: Please write the first and last name of the translators completely.
Articles: author's last name, author's initial. (date of publication). Title of the article. Title of the Journal, Volume(issue), page numbers.
Example: Nasihat, N. (2012). Semiotic analysis of structural narrative of "Va Matashaoon" short story from the viewpoint of Greimas. Contemporary Criticism, 3, 12-19.
Thesis: author's last name, author's initial. (date of publication). Title of the thesis. Level, Major, Name of the university, Place.
Example: Anoosheh, M. (2007). Sentence structure and the role in Persian language: a minimalist program. PhD dissertation, Linguistics, Tehran University, Tehran.
A chapter from a book: Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of chapter. In E. E. Editor & F. F. Editor (Eds.), Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle (pp. pages of chapter). Publisher. DOI (if available)
A conference paper: Bošković, Ž. (2004). Object shift and the clause/PP pararellism hypothesis. In Proceedings of the 23rd West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (pp. 101-114).
16. The manuscript should be written in A4 size, single space, Times New Roman font, size 12. The Microsoft office version should be 2003 or 2007. The pictures should be included as JPEG with 300 dpi or 300 ppi resolution. The journal is free to edit the manuscript.
17. All the paragraphs, except the first one in each section, should be 0.5 cm indented.
18. Quotations with more than 40 words should be boxed with 1.5 cm indentation. The first line should not be indented.
19. The numbering of the sections should be divided through hyphen, and there should come a dot at the end as exemplified below:
4-3. XXXX
4-3-1. XXX
20. The within text mentioning of books, journals, and articles should be italicized.
21. Quoted pomes and lyrics should not be italicized.
22. All the tables, figures, and images should be numbered followed by a title. The Persian titles for figures and tables should be translated into English.
23. Persian/English standard writing style should be followed.
24. The Persian phonetics should follow the guidelines suggested by Farhangistan unless the author provides his/her reference of phonetics to the journal's office.
Some general guidelines for writing an extended abstract
1. The extended abstract could have references to other works, compare the studies, and discuss some of them in length.
2. The extended does not mention future studies, details of the tests, data collection. In comparison, the short abstract is in fact a one-paragraph summary of the whole article.
3. The author should mention the following in the extended abstract: title, name(s) of the author(s), short abstract, review of literature, research aims, assumptions, and questions, data collection, discussion, conclusion, and references.
4. The extended abstract should not exceed 5 pages. There should not be more than 6 to 8 references. The studies mentioned in the body of the extended abstract should be listed in the reference section.
5. Authors are suggested to focus on the introduction, findings, and discussion sections of the abstract. Figures are also welcomed.
6. The extended abstract should not exceed 1000 words.
7. The keywords should be divided by a semi-colon.
8. The 'keywords' title should be bold, followed by a colon. There should be a dot after the last keyword.
9. Bold the title of each section.
ORCID Registration
All the authors should register in the website and provide the code in the personal information section.