Assistant Professor of Linguistics at the University of Semnan, Semnan, Iran
Abstract: (9027 Views)
language typology focuses on both language universals and linguistic variations. Implicational universals in typology have semantic, pragmatic, discoursal, processing and cognitive explanations. In this research, word order of Semnani language was analyzed based on Dryer’s 24 typological components. The purpose of this study is the determination of word order of Semnani language based on language typology. Research data are collected through interviewing Semnani’ speakers. The research data indicate that Semnani language has 17 components of strong verb- final languages type and 16 components of strong verb-initial languages type comparing to genera containing languages of Europe and Asia, except for southeast Asia , and this language has also 16 components of strong verb-final languages type and 14 components of strong verb-initial languages type comparing to genera containing world languages. Therefore, there is a tendency for Semnani to be one of languages of verb- final type. Of course, there is no long distance between components of strong verb-final languages type and strong verb- initial languages type of research findings and this is a sign of change in Semnani language from verb-final languages type toward verb-initial languages type. Also, there is gender agreement between subject and verb in Semnani and all infinitive verbs have a marker of perfect aspect.
Published: 2015/11/22